



Volume Base

24h Volume

24h Change

Trading Pairs Tick Size Min Order Size Max Order Maker Fee Taker Fee
ethereumEthereum/BTC 0.000001 BTC 0.001 ETH 100 ETH 0.30% 1%
bitcoin-cashBitcoin Cash/BTC 0.000001 BTC 0.001 BCH 200 BCH 0.30% 1%
litecoinLitecoin/BTC 0.000001 BTC 0.01 LTC 300 LTC 0.30% 1%
Trading Pairs Tick Size Min Order Size Max Order Maker Fee Taker Fee
bitcoinBitcoin/USD 0.01$ 0.00001 BTC 50 BTC 0.30% 1%
ethereumEthereum/USD 0.01$ 0.0001 ETH 100 ETH 0.30% 1%
bitcoin-cashBitcoin Cash/USD 0.01$ 0.001 BCH 200 BCH 0.30% 1%
litecoinLitecoin/ USD 0.01$ 0.001 LTC 300 LTC 0.30% 1%
uniq-tokensUNIQ Tokens/USD 0.0001 $ 0.1 UNIQ 500,000 UNIQ 0.05% 0.10%
Trading Pairs Tick Size Min Order Size Max Order Maker Fee Taker Fee
bitcoinBitcoin /USDT 0.01 USDT 0.00001 BTC 50 BTC 0.30% 1%
ethereumEthereum/USDT 0.01 USDT 0.0001 ETH 100 ETH 0.30% 1%
bitcoin-cashBitcoin Cash/USDT 0.01 USDT 0.001 BCH 200 BCH 0.30% 1%
litecoinLitecoin/USDT 0.01 USDT 0.001 LTC 300 LTC 0.30% 1%
uniq-tokensUNIQ Tokens/Tether USD 0.0001 USDT 0.1 UNIQ 500,000 UNIQ 0.05% 0.10%

Fiat Money Deposit Fee - As per Banking Charges | Annual Maintenance Charge 5$ | Fiat Money Withdrawal 1.50$ + bank charges | Daily price Limit - 1st Limit = 7% from previous day close, 2nd Limit = 14% from previous day close, 3rd Limit = 20% from previous day close | Trading will be halted post 20% daily move | Timing in GMT | Trading Days Sunday - Saturday | 50% discount on commission paid with UNIQ token

Transaction charges

Maker Fees

UNIQ Token


Other Crypto


Taker Fees

UNIQ Token


Other Crypto


Discount On Fees

50% Discont On Commission
Paid With Uniq Token

Depositing Supported Fiat Currencies

As Per Bank Charges

Fiat Currencies Withdrawal

USD 1.50 + Bank Charges

Digital Assets
Withdrawal Fees

bitcoin bitcoin BTC

ethereum ethereum ETH

litecoin litecoin LTC

bitcoin-cash-token bitcoin-cash-token BCH

(Network Fees Varies, Please Check Withdrawal Page For Latest Fees)

0.0003 BTC

0.004 ETH

0.0025 LTC

0.0025 BCH

The order that creates the market depth is maker order and the order that kills the market depth is taker order. Market orders are taker orders. Pending orders may be considered as maker or taker order depending upon whether the order is creating the market depth or killing the market depth. Trader shall pay maker and taker fee for maker order and taker order respectively.

Settlement Guarantee Fund: SGF will be collected as 10 % of the total transaction fee. SGF fund is secured in SGF account which is maintained as per the bye-laws and rules of the exchange.



The UNICOIN DCX Trader represents a pinnacle of technological innovation in the realm of exchange trading software. Meticulously crafted to cater to the needs of sophisticated retail traders and financial service providers alike, it harnesses advanced technologies to deliver unparalleled performance and functionality. Behind its sleek interface lies a sophisticated ecosystem of cutting-edge modules and components, meticulously engineered to provide a seamless and intuitive trading experience. From real-time market data analysis to dynamic customization capabilities, every aspect of the UNICOIN DCX Trader is powered by state-of-the-art technology, ensuring that it remains at the forefront of the ever-evolving landscape of financial trading.

technology technology

Some of the
salient features of
UNICOIN DCX trading platform


Highly Customizable Crypto Exchange Trading Software


Advanced Charts and Tools for Technical Trading


Multiple Platform Compatibility


Intelligent Order matching and Order Routing


A fast and efficient Trading Platform with a thinking Cap


Algorithmic Trading for Institutional Investors

Data high

security-features security-features

Data high security

Hot Wallet is cryptocurrency wallet that is connected to the internet for quick transaction. These wallets are easier to open, access and make the transaction but at the same time are susceptible to hackers and online vulnerabilities. As hot wallet is more susceptible to be hacked, our exchange strictly follows the best international practices of handling hot wallet to ensure the security of data and capital. Moreover, our exchange adopts the policy of maintaining less than 5 percent of the fund in hot wallet in order to avoid any misfortune.

Cold wallet is cryptocurrency wallet that is not connected to the internet. Due to this feature, cold wallet is much secure and they don't accept Cryptocurrencies from other wallets directly. Most of the client’s fund generally above 95 percent of funds are stored in cold wallet. Moreover, multi-layered security protocol is used where every transaction are also verified manually by an exchange trusted employee (at least 2) in order to secure itself from hackers and other kinds of theft. Private keys are the most sensitive set of data which is completely safeguarded in deep cold storage without any kind of internet connection.

In order to access client wallet, client need to input two forms of password; one is their regular password and another one is the key generated in their mobile phone. This adds extra layer of security in the client wallet which enhance the security features for the client. With the use of 2 factor authentication users are able to protect their wallet even if their password is stolen.

Digital Currency maintained with Unicoin Digital Capital Exchange (UDCX) by our customer are protected by our insurance pool. Exchange collect fund as Settlement Guarantee Fund (SGF) from transaction fee which is then maintained at UDCX SGF account. This account is operated as per the exchange pre-specified rules and regulation which basically focuses on maintaining market integrity. Cash balances maintained with Unicoin Digital Capital Exchange (UDCX) by our customer are protected under The Deposit Insurance System (DIS) to protect depositors against the loss of their insured deposits placed with member institutions in the event of a member institution failure. Unicoin Digital Capital Exchange (UDCX) is not responsible for any losses due to unauthorized access/hacking of our client's UDCX account. It is solely responsibilities of client's to protect their account with the use of a strong password and maintaining secured access to UDCX account. Moreover, digital currencies are not issued or backed by the government, therefore, it is not subject to the deposit insurance system.


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